Words in Color Complete Set
Words in Color Complete Set
The Complete Set includes a set of charts, Fidel, and books for the teacher and student. Teaching with Words in Color: Techniques, Games, Exercises is included as a PDF download to print at your leisure.
21 color-coded Word Charts (size options below)
1 Fidel Phonic Code
1 Color Key to the Fidel Phonic Code
Reference Guide to the Fidel Phonic Code (book)
1 PDF download of Teaching with Words in Color: Lesson Guides, Techniques, Games
All 6 student books (Reading Primers R0 & R1, Reading Primer R2, Reading Primer R3, Workbook 1, Workbook 2, Book of Stories)
Medium Set - $299.99
All charts printed at 11 x 17"
Great for classes of up to 12 students
Small Set - $169.99
Charts are half of the size as Medium. Two charts per 11 x 17" sheet
Designed for small groups of about 3 at a time
Includes "Desktop Fidel" for group work at a table
Reference Set - $129.99
Four charts per standard letter 8.5x11" sheet
Charts have column for hole punching
Designed for individual use, such as lesson planning, or for students to follow along with the teacher from their seat
Please contact us directly to inquire about institutional discounts for additional student books. The Words in Color Large Set is also available for school orders.
*Please note that charts and books ship separately, as we print them on demand from different suppliers.
Why choose Words in Color for your child or student?
Watch this video to see how Words in Color can simplify learning to read, write, and spell.
Why is learning to read a challenge? Once we understand the challenge, we can find simple solutions.
What size should I choose?
Consider the following factors when choosing a size:
- How many students will you be working with? Make sure the charts will be visible to all.
- How much wall space do you have? While you don't need to display all of the charts all of the time, keeping the advanced charts up on the wall may lead to exciting discoveries for your students.
- How old are your students? Very young students may want to touch the colors with their fingers instead of the pointer, requiring a larger size. As well, mature students may need a larger font size, especially if they don't yet have reading glasses.
How do I put up the charts?
Depending on your surface, you can use magnets, sticky tack, or masking tape. We find rolling masking tape into tight vertical loops does the best job on most surfaces. Arrange the charts from left to right, starting with Chart 0. Put the charts at eye level for your students. You do not need to put up all of the charts at the same time, but if you have space, it's well worth it.