Silent Way English Charts with Fidel

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Silent Way English Charts with Fidel

from $29.99

This set includes 12 color-coded word charts, a Sound-Color Chart (aka Rectangle Chart), a Fidel phonic code, and a Color Key for the American English Fidel. A number of sizes are available. 

Medium - $149.99

  • All charts printed at 11 x 17"
  • Great for classes of up to 12 students

Small - $59.99

  • Charts are half of the size as Medium. Two charts per 11 x 17" sheet
  • Designed for small groups of about 3 at a time
  • Includes "Desktop Fidel" for group work at a table

Reference - $29.99

  • Four charts per standard letter 8.5x11" sheet
  • Charts have column for hole punching
  • Designed for individual use, such as lesson planning, or for students to follow along with the teacher from their seat

The Silent Way Large Set is also available for school orders. Please contact us at if you are interested in the original print, vintage large size.

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